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  • Diana Uprichard

Why The DOLLY Hub?

I’d like to share some DOLLY good news! We are flinging open the doors at DOLLY HQ to welcome you all. We have SO much going on at DOLLY, we're not really a shop anymore, we're a HUB!


Why now?

For a long time now we have mended, re-fit, restitched and repaired your clothes for those of you that DON’T sew. We’ve also launched our zero waste pre-cut Sewing Kits for those who DO sew. Now it’s time to join the dots, overlap the Venn diagram, complete the circle… and invite everyone to join in!

Every time you visit the DOLLY Hub you share in our mission to keep your clothes in circulation. We’ll be raising awareness about the climate crisis and the true cost of our clothes on the planet and the people who make them. And with that knowledge we intend to celebrate and activate you into being the change.


Our mission!

Together we can build a circular fashion economy where we all thrive in peace and security.

We want to offer you unconditional acceptance and support in your journey with us and enjoy the process as much as the destination.


Here’s what it looks like!

Come on down and join the DOLLY HUB! There’ll be a club just right for you! Whether you’re an absolute beginner or have a black belt in sashiko stitching, whether you want to sneak in on your own or can’t wait to sew together there’s literally something for EVERYONE. Because sewing equals freedom, expression and activism and we can’t wait to show you how!


Here’s how it works

Mend, learn to sew, bring your own project, hot desk a sewing machine, have a one to one, come to a talk or event. There's even a small library to browse and inspire.   

We can't WAIT to see you!


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